The Bernardin Lecture

When he died in 1996, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin was mourned by a world he had touched by his ability to bring people together. In his homily Bernardin’s friend of many years, Monsignor Kenneth Velo, summed up the world’s estimate of this man: “He was a unifier.” For three days, the great city of Chicago paused to pay tribute to a Churchman who spoke eloquently of life as a seamless garment from conception to death, who promoted and lived inter-faith and ecumenical dialogue, who witnessed to a nation how to forgive and how to die with quiet dignity. The Bernardin Lecture celebrates the legacy that Cardinal loved and served.
The Bernardin Lecture is an annual event sponsored by The Francis Project. Each year we invite the Georgetown community, as well as all our friends working on human dignity and life issues, to join us in welcoming a prominent leader in this field. This is a unique opportunity to engage in dialogue with individuals who, like Cardinal Bernardin, have dedicated their lives to learning from and walking with those experiencing poverty, vulnerability, and marginalization.
Learn more about past Bernardin Lectures and our other events!